RTI Authorities (As per the Right to Information Act, 2005)


As per the Right to Information Act, 2005, the information seekers shall address the Public Information Officers / Under Secretaries of the Departments concerned for any information relating to the following subjects:

1Rules, notifications, educational qualifications and other eligibility conditionsRules and Notification Department (RND)Under Secretary (RND)
2Submission of Applications and application related informationApplication Processing Department (APD)Under Secretary (APD)
3Question Papers, Answer Keys and other related informationConfidential Department (QD)Under Secretary (QD)
4Valuation of Answer Sheets and other related informationEvaluation Department (ED)Under Secretary (ED)
5Selection to interview posts and other related informationOral Test Department (OTD)Under Secretary (OTD)
6Selection to Non-interview postsPost Selection Department (PSD)Under Secretary (PSD)
7Departmental PromotionDepartmental Promotion Department (DPD)Under Secretary (DPD)
8Departmental ExaminationsDepartmental Test Department (DTD)Under Secretary (DTD)
9Temporary AppointmentsTemporary Appointments Department (TADA)Under Secretary (TADA)
10Concurrence Cases relating to Compassionate ground appointments, transfers etc.,Concurrence Department (CD)Under Secretary (CD)
11Disciplinary CasesDisciplinary Cases Department (DCD)Under Secretary (DCD)
12Establishment matters of Hon’ble Commission, Officers and Staff. Liaison Wing – Visit of Dignitaries.Personnel Department (PD)Under Secretary (PD)
13All Court cases filed by the Commission / filed against the CommissionLegal Cell Department (LCD)Under Secretary (LCD)
14Monitoring and Co-ordination of all recruitment works, Deputation of Officers and Staff for Inspection Duty.Monitoring and Co-ordination Department (MCD)Under Secretary (MCD)
15Works pertaining to machineries and vehicles. Maintenance of all machineries and vehicles.Vehicles and Machineries Department (VMD)Under Secretary (VMD)
16Right to Information PetitionsRight to Information Department (RID)Under Secretary (RID)
17Budget, Reconciliation, All Bills, PD AccountBills and Receipts Department (BRD)Accounts Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer (BRD)
18Appointment of Chief Invigilators, Securing of Examination Halls, Payment of Advance to Chief Invigilators.Infrastructure Department (ID)Under Secretary (ID)
19Work pertaining to entire premises of the Office Building, Stationery inclusive of stationery for Computers, Furniture, Fixtures, Telephone, Intercom, etc.,Building Maintenance and Furniture Department. (BSFD)Under Secretary (BSFD)
20Bills received from Chief Invigilators of Examination halls for various examinations.Contingent Bills Department (CBD)Under Secretary (CBD)
21Printing of answer sheets for objective and descriptive type examinations.Verification and Stationery Department (VSD)Under Secretary (VSD))
22Maintenance of records, applications, Auction of Waste Paper.Records and Forms Department (RFD)Under Secretary (RFD)
23Computer Wing of the Commission's Office, assigned with the job of Data Processing of Applications and related works.Computer Processing Department (CPD)Under Secretary (CPD)
24Receipt of all Tappals, Applications.Tappal Department (TD)Under Secretary (TD)
25Grievance Petitions from candidates.Grievance Cell (GRC)Under Secretary (GRC)

The Public Information Officers are entrusted with the responsibility of furnishing information to the information-seekers promptly and in required manner without any omission and within the stipulated time of 30 days from the date of receipt of the tappals under the RTI ACT, 2005.


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